Sunday, 10 January 2016

As the New Year has only just arrived, many people will be trying to fulfil their resolutions. However, a lifestyle change that could prove to be just as good for you physically as attempting to go to the gym every day, and would have an even more positive effect for the earth, would be to join the 4 million existing vegetarians in the UK (or even to attempt to cut down on meat consumption).

Source - Telegraph

This decision will not only help cut shopping costs, increase individual heath and spare the life of other sentient beings, but will also help reduce the environmental impacts that i have hitherto discussed in this blog.

It has been speculated that even by decreasing your meat intake by one burger a week would have the same impact as taking your car off the road for 320 miles! Therefore, a few meatless meals to maybe ease into a more vegetarian way of eating would have an encouraging effect on the environment!

Source - Pexels

It has, however, been argued by some environmental advocates that such small changes to ones diet are failings as it creates a false justification within the public perception - only doing the right thing one seventh of the time? 

“You cannot be an environmentalist and eat animal based products. Its an addiction.” - Howard Lyman, a former cattle rancher and author of ‘Mad Cowboy’.

I have been sincerely attempting to try and cut meat from my diet, but it has undoubtedly been a struggle. Nevertheless, I have been able to reduce my consumption - and I think this will, unmistakably have been a good thing for the environment. 
I respect the views of environmental advocates such as Howard Lyman. However, I think that people shouldn’t be discouraged towards such schemes as meat free Mondays. Every little helps, and these small steps may eventually lead to people fully adopting a vegetarian lifestyle!

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